Maria Sharapova, the origin of Russian tennis player praised Indonesia. Destinations, diverse culture, and friendly community in Indonesia, was able to make these beautiful woman falling in love!
Indonesia diversity and cultural destinations became world most unique tourism attraction. Each island has a unique and characteristic of other. Apparently, the charm of Indonesia was able to captivate of the world tennis player, Maria Sharapova.
Condé Nast Traveller magazine’s Russia Edition featuring Maria Sharapova as the main cover for the upcoming March issue. She looks gorgeous casual long dress with a background of Borobudur Temple. Impressed me!
Condé Nast Russia will discuss everything about Java, Indonesia, said Sharapova in her personal Facebook page.
“Hopefully you can visit there. A place full of culture, spiritual experience, and the people are friendly,” Sharapova added.
In addition, she also alluded to the little matter of Java. She hoped, everyone can visits to gain valuable experience.

Last year, Maria Sharapova had the traveling to Indonesia after the last tournament Sharapova was followed by the WTA Tour Championship, at the last month. In the tournament, Sharapova finished runner-up after losing to Serena Williams.

Maria Sharapova explores both places, Borobudur Temple in Magelang, Central Java and the island of Moyo in Sumbawa, West Nusa Tenggara. Where the place is closed to the famous Komodo National Park.
In the Borobudur temple, she has an exciting watched the sunrise.

“Sunrise at 5.15 a.m. (GMT +7), taken from one of the best point of view I’ve ever seen,” she wrote on her Facebook.
Sharapova also enjoyed her travels in Indonesia. On the island of Moyo, admitted she was touched by the social life while visiting a home resident. “I was so touched by the life of the village on Moyo Island,” she said.
“I was so touched by the village life on Moyo Island, I wanted to share this picture with you.
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that matter. This little kid made me laugh so much because he was looking at me thinking who are you and where did you grow your blonde hair!’” said Sharapova.
Sometimes it’s the simple things in life that matter. This little kid made me laugh so much because he was looking at me thinking who are you and where did you grow your blonde hair!’” said Sharapova.
Source: Yogya Post
Published on Feb 23, 2013
PUSAT BERITA —Moskow: Petenis Rusia, Maria Sharapova mempromosikan salah satu warisan budaya dunia milik Indonesia yakni Candi Borobudur melalui akun Facebook. Petenis cantik itu memamerkan beberapa foto di Pulau Jawa itu sembari berbagi pengalamannya.
Maria Sharapova tidak sekedar atlet tenis tapi juga selebriti dunia. Setiap kegiatan yang ia lakukan kerap menarik perhatian penggemarnya. DI antaranya Sharapova memamerkan beberapa foto yang diambil untuk sampul majalah Conde Nast Traveller versi Rusia edisi Maret 2013.
Petenis berusia 25 tahun itu tampil mengenakan gaun etnik dan berlatar Candi Borobudur. Sharapova pun merekomendasikan orang-orang untuk berkunjung ke sana. Menurutnya Candi Borobudur itu spesial dengan aneka budaya, pengalaman spiritual, dan keramahan penduduk setempat.
Selain itu, ada pula foto Sharapova di dekat seorang pria yang mengenakan blankon sedang menabuh gamelan. Ada juga foto saat ia dipayungi seorang pria ketika berjalan di pematang sawah.(Ttd)
Maria Sharapova tidak sekedar atlet tenis tapi juga selebriti dunia. Setiap kegiatan yang ia lakukan kerap menarik perhatian penggemarnya. DI antaranya Sharapova memamerkan beberapa foto yang diambil untuk sampul majalah Conde Nast Traveller versi Rusia edisi Maret 2013.
Petenis berusia 25 tahun itu tampil mengenakan gaun etnik dan berlatar Candi Borobudur. Sharapova pun merekomendasikan orang-orang untuk berkunjung ke sana. Menurutnya Candi Borobudur itu spesial dengan aneka budaya, pengalaman spiritual, dan keramahan penduduk setempat.
Selain itu, ada pula foto Sharapova di dekat seorang pria yang mengenakan blankon sedang menabuh gamelan. Ada juga foto saat ia dipayungi seorang pria ketika berjalan di pematang sawah.(Ttd)
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